Our Programs
As the LGBTQ Center of Durham has grown, so have our programs. In January of 2019, we hired our first full-time staff members and our momentum has not ceased. Please see below a list of our flagship programs and their respective websites.
Project F.A.M.
Project FAM services are low barrier, free of cost, and support folks living in the Triangle region of NC with a focus on folks living in Durham.
LGBTQ Youth Center
The LGBTQ+ Youth Center of Durham provides programming, drop-in space and events for local queer youth and allies ages 12-24 all year long.
Southern Queer Survivor Network
Southern Queer Survivor Network (SQSN) is an anti-violence project serving LGBTQ+ survivors in all 100 counties of North Carolina.
We have advocates physically located in Durham, and are also able to serve people in other parts of the state through remote advocacy.
The Center's library is a curated collection of materials centering queer and trans history, with a lens to the voices of people of color. Our growing catalog welcomes donations, especially for our children and youth. While physical space does not currently allow for displaying our library, we intend for it to become a fully-functioning lending library. Our volunteers have entered some of our current collection, cataloging, and setting up our future and circulation management using TinyCat.
Though it is still a work in progress you can begin to get a sneak peek at our collection here via TinyCat and LibraryThing.
Friends Aging Quirkily
FAQ* is a collaborative effort to build community among LGBTQ+ folks aged 50+ in & around Durham. Partners include the LGBTQ Center of Durham, Transitions LifeCare, and the Durham Center for Senior Life (DCSL)
Pride: Durham, NC
Pride: Durham, NC brings love and activism back to the forefront of Pride as a way to drive stronger connections and further growth and success in a tumultuous political climate. All people with love in their hearts and progress fueling them are welcome at Pride: Durham, NC.